LA Times, still missing the point.
This article in the LA Times,
Medicare Situation Still Chaotic, well what did they expect? The point isn't just that poor and disabled people of all descriptions are not receiving their prescriptions in a timely way, if at all. Of course that's true, and it's horrible because it's happening everywhere around this would-be "greatest-country-in-the-world" country, AND the drugs ARE often critical to these people's well-being. The real point is, it seems to me, that it is not a "drug benefit" at all, to anyone, compared to the way things were just last year. It's a take-down. EVERYONE is having to pay more for their drugs. And it didn't turn out to be an "optional program" in any practical sense, so even if you theoretically have until May to sign up (to avoid penalties), the sh*t is in the fan NOW. (Of course, it is a "benefit" to those for whom it was really meant as such, the Pharmaceutical Companies and the Insurance Companies. What I don't get, is why did the Republicans think they could get away with their Orwellian lying about this? It may have worked in their favor in the last election, but it certainly won't this time around.
Of all the stories I've read today, I liked the one related by the daughter whose father was complaining about the confusion and expense and so on. She asked him who he'd voted for (Bush) and told him he'd got what he wanted: higher prices and incompetence. Simple and true.