Medicare's bragging about how many people enrolled.
Just what kind of a campaign is this? The question in my mind, how many of these millions of people, like my mother,
did not want to be enrolled?
The number who did not want to be enrolled would be people much younger than my mother who do all in their power not to/ to never have to take prescription medications. I can't here the Christian Scientists putting up a big stink about this, can you? Maybe they, like so many others, just haven't realized what's going on yet. This was truly "the stealth ripoff."
I have been on the phone several times now with various people and parts of Medicare. It seems that when you call 1-800 MEDICARE, one of the things you will find out is that it's very difficult to get connected to the "Disenrollment" section. Could it be the best kept secret that this is the busiest section at Medicare?